Now that we are well rested, it’s time to jump (or fall!) from the couch to the erg.  Looks can be deceiving and our couch puppy is actually really excited to hear that we are starting our 2021 training sessions from the 2nd of February.  We look forward to seeing the Crew back after a well earned break (still in awe at those challenge meters!). 

Getting ready is easy

Make sure you have the to do list checked before we recommence our virtual training sessions:

  • Concept 2: 1) ensure you have set up your online log book with Concept, 2) that you are affiliated with CrewBlu and 3) that you have the relevant adaptive status checked.
  • Erg loans: All members who have a loan of an erg from Blu Angel will need to complete the loan agreement (for the period from 01/01/2021 to 31/05/2021). 
  • Training guidelines: Read and tick agreement with the virtual training guidelines.
  • Documentation: You will find relevant documentation and the above forms in your members’ area (see menu, top right).

And that’s it. We are ready to go! 

And what about the training schedule?

The training schedule will continue as per your previous timetable.

Need help? If you are new and have not been on the training schedule or you are coming back and you need assistance, drop us an email at